10702217_10152616464752561_2274702692697317400_nTHE PEOPLE HAVE SPOKEN!!!!!

This needs to happen in every city. The way all of you rallied around this is exactly what it takes along with people like the Owen’s family taking matters into their own hands and standing against ignorance. I’m so happy this was the outcome and I hope this inspires people to believe in themselves and the power they have to create change. AMAZING job everyone!!!! Everyone who made an effort to repeal this legislation is a hero. Lets keep it going! ‪#‎betheirvoice‬ ‪#‎standupforpits‬ ‪#‎educate‬ ‪#‎advocate‬ ‪#‎pitbulls‬ ‪#‎endabuse‬ ‪#‎enddiscrimination‬ ‪#‎truth‬