Yet ANOTHER amazing human inspired by the PIBBLE March doing all she can with conviction and dedication. THIS is what is needed to make change. We are so proud of you Terianna. Keep up the amazing work!!! #betheirvoice

“A pic of my pup Colt; he wasn’t too happy about having to wear the shirt though. (Lab/Pibble mix)

Had a great time at the march; I left there a changed person. I came home determined to make a difference in all dogs lives, fighting BSL and breed discrimination until there’s no longer a need to do so. Since my return I have volunteered for 4 Freedom rides, rescuing a total of 12 dogs (5 of which were puppies). I’m working with a few local shelters networking dogs who are in danger and I’m hoping to start working with Steffen Baldwin (ACTF of Ohio) on volunteer fundraising for his organization. I’m not sure where all this will lead but I can tell you this….I have never had anything affect me like the Million Pibble March did on the wonderful Saturday in May. I walked away from there feeling a kinship with fellow dog lovers that sparked a fire in me I never knew existed. I plan on doing my part to make a difference by continuing to be involved and spreading the word, educating and advocating about BSL and the plight of Pibbles until I take my last breath of air. Thank you Rebecca for making that amazing day happen; you truly have made a difference in this world and your passion is contagious. Have a great week girl!
