What can I do to fight BSL?

One way to fight BSL is to be heard. There are many ways to go about being heard: rallies, marches, petitions, showing up at hearings etc. Educate yourself on the laws, where BSL is enforced, the level at which it is enforced. Research the law makers who support BSL and who are actively trying to pass BSL laws. Some good sites to check out are: StopBSL.org and pblnn.com.

How can I get a pibble march t-shirt/hoodie?

We are currently in the process of switching manufacturing companies and thus, our merchandise is unavailable. As soon as it becomes available, that information will be announced on all SUFP Foundation Social Media, this website, and on Rebecca Corry’s Social Media. Thank you for your support, standing up for PIBBLES and for continuing to be their voice!

How do I find pibble friendly housing?
Every building owner/management company has different “policies” so there is not just one answer to this question. You will have to research first and find out if BSL in enforced where you intend to live. Then you’ll have to find out if the property owner or building manager discriminate. Here are a couple of links to check out for more information: My Pit Bull is Family and The Humane Society.

Also consider an introduction email to property management where you’re considering living. Contact insurance agents for insurance companies that have open policies (State Farm and USAA), as those agents may have more information. Also, find and contact Pit Bull rescues in the area, as they may have more information. Be patient and diligent. Don’t give up. You’ll find something!

How can I get SUFP T-shirts?

As noted earlier, we are switching manufacturing companies and our merchandise is not available at this time. As soon as it becomes available, that information will be announced on all SUFP Foundation Social Media, this website and on Rebecca Corry’s Social Media.

How do I become a sponsor of the Stand Up for Pits Foundation?

Click here to learn more: Become a Sponsor.

Can you place my pibble?

It is sad and disappointing how many emails we get from people who want to dump their dogs. The reasons are endless–most of which are unacceptable. The answer to this question is a resounding “absolutely not!” The Stand Up For Pits Foundation is not a rescue or a facility. Yes, we save lives, but we are not a dumping ground for your dog nor should rescues or other groups be considered as such. Your dog is your responsibly and it is YOU who must do all you can to rehome this dog. We live in a day and age of resources and information. You have options. You know the dog’s behavior and temperament better than anyone else, therefore you can take the time to post, share, hang posters, get him/her courtesy listed on Petfinder through a rescue etc. It is not okay to throw away a family member and then expect others to handle it. In order to truly prevent up to 4 million shelter animals from dying each year in this country, people must think differently and behave differently and RESPONSIBLE OWNERSHIP is a good start. Rescues and shelters are overflowing so it is up to you to do what is right. Click on What Can I Do? and look at some of the suggestions offered to help you rehome a dog. Then do it. And when it’s frustrating because it’s been 6 months and he/she still doesn’t have a perfect home. Stick with it and keep doing it and don’t stop. A life is depending on it. Lives are depending on YOU to do what is right and you have that power. If you are a person without a computer and have zero resources then you are likely not emailing us. If you are a person emailing us on behalf of someone who has no resources available and doesn’t know how to rehome a dog, then please help those people without resources and do all you can for their dog. You have the power to do this!

How do I get Facebook Pages or other anti-pit bull sites removed?

We suggest making a public plea for an attorney to help. Don’t publicly state the reason or refer publicly to the page you want taken down, just make a plea to see if there are any attorneys willing to discuss some hate speech issues towards PIBBLES. Take screen shots and obtain the names of the offenders. If you feel the offenders are fighting dogs or abusing them, try to get their info (city, place of work, etc.) and then report them to appropriate authorities. Never publicly call them out as it draws attention to them and then they will hide. Do NOT engage in negative activity with the page admin or followers of the page as it only brings them attention. Quietly watch, gather information, create an army, then go after them. Facebook will not remove a group because you disagree with its statements. Facebook will only remove groups that advocate violence. Check out the Anti-DogFighting Campaign Facebook Page“The Anti-DogFighting Campaign is an organization that investigates, promotes awareness and battles for an end to dog fighting.”

How do I organize a rally or march?

First, good for you for wanting to take action and be the voice of the voiceless! There is no “one way” to organize a rally or march. Every city has different codes, rules and permit requirements.  Understand going in that to organize these events and ensure they are done professionally and safely, it is an extensive process. It can be frustrating, costly, discouraging, and at times it can feel like an impossible feat to achieve, especially if you’re going big. This is not said to discourage, but to inform you about your likely experience. A march is very different than a rally. If you do both the same day, it’s double the work and double the cost. These events are difficult because there is absolutely no way of knowing how many people will attend, so you have to do all you can to try and keep a pulse on that. The cost of a rally with 100 attendees is quite different than a rally with 5000 attendees and again it’s impossible to know how many will actually show up until the day of the event, so you have to take it day by day. If thousands more show up than you anticipated and can’t hear or see because you didn’t provide enough equipment to accommodate that many people, well then…It defeats the purpose. So again, try to create a system that provides you the information needed to accurately determine how many people will attend. Also, certain parks and public property have particular equipment, vendor, occupancy, and insurance guidelines. To sum up: this is going to be a learn-as-you-go process and one you must be willing to see through to the end. Rebecca Corry organized the march and rally on Washington, promoted the march and raised all funds solely by herself, which is an incredible feat. It doesn’t mean another person couldn’t do it, but try to get a team to help you.

How do I start my own non-profit?

You must hire a nonprofit attorney in your state who knows how to properly submit the non-profit application. The non-profit application is extensive and will cost you. Do your research and you may find some attorneys who sit on boards of non-profits willing to offer a discount, although there are also some who won’t. It can take many many months to obtain recognized non-profit status but the application process is vital and must be done correctly.

How does the Stand Up For Pits Foundation pick beneficiaries?

This is never easy. We go by recommendations, reputation, how many available Pits they have, how many they have homed, their mission statement, if they are willing to do what’s required to be a beneficiary and if they are easy to work with. Sadly, our experiences with rescues have been about 50/50. They comply and say they are willing to do what it takes to make the event a success and then we find ourselves babysitting them. Our beneficiaries get funds, an opportunity to adopt dogs, participate in the silent auction and free publicity. There is zero downside to being a SUFP beneficiary. The expectations for rescues are clear and provided up front. Further, these expectations are minimal compared to what is provided by the foundation. As a result of previous unfortunate experiences, all beneficiaries will go through multiple screening processes to ensure they meet the foundation’s standards and exhibit adequate work ethic. If you are interested in becoming an SUFP beneficiary click CONTACT. Please write “Beneficiary” in the subject line. Include your rescue name, mission statement, how many Pit Bulls you have, how many you have placed in the last year, your EIN number, non-profit status, and any other pertinent information you feel would make you a good match for the event.

What other ways can I advocate and spread the word about SUFP?

Advocating comes in many different forms. It’s about doing what you can and every bit helps. You can volunteer at your local shelter, foster dogs, donate blankets, share our PIBS & Kids video, and our Press page is filled with positive articles you can share. Share any positive images, stories, or videos you find about PIBBLES! Share! Share! Share! Wear your PIBBLE March or Stand Up For Pits T-Shirt and take the time to educate people when they ask you about the shirt’s message. Educate yourself on the myths so you are better able to educate others. If you’d like to be more involved with SUFP specifically come to the LIVE Events, tell others about us, follow us on social media and/or become a sponsor. Like our Facebook Page and share the updates and info that inspires you!

How do I get Stand Up For Pits to come to our city?

Rebecca Corry produces all the live events solely by herself. All added cities fully depend on her schedule, if she works the venue before the event, and if the venue she is working is willing to host the event. Each new city added requires at least 6 months of preparation. A LOT goes into putting on an event and making it successful. Although we would love to have Stand Up For Pits in every city in the country and we certainly understand the need for it, it is going to take some time. Until then, keep doing all you can and being the voice of the voiceless. We love and appreciate your support. We feel we have the best supporters in the land and we look forward to one day soon standing up for pits in your city!

How can I get Rebecca to make an appearance and/or perform at our event, festival, adoption, etc.?

Rebecca gets invited to appear at many many PIBBLE/animal related events. If you would like to request Rebecca to appear please send us an email with “Rebecca Appearance” in the subject line and include all information. Generally travel, ground transportation, and hotel must be covered for Rebecca and all other details will vary based on what is expected of her: length of stay, length of performance, etc. Although Rebecca would love to attend any and all things PIBBLE related that she is invited to, she also has her personal and work schedule to consider. We thank you in advance for your interest in Rebecca and requests will be handled on a case-by-case basis.

What will the foundation page consider posting, signing, liking or sharing?

The Foundation will only post, sign, like or share what it knows fully about and believes in. We don’t do the “You like my page, I’ll like your page” game. Please do not assume because you shared a Foundation post or like the Foundation page that it means the Foundation will automatically post, share, sign or like what you tell us to. We get sent hundreds of requests/demands to post and share things. We are not a public cork board. If you feel strongly about something and believe it is something the Stand Up For Pits foundation would share, please send it along and we’ll consider it, but won’t guarantee.

How can I partner with the Stand Up for Pits Foundation?

We offer merchant sponsorship and sponsorship opportunities. Not all merchants who desire to “partner” with us are a match as many see it is an opportunity to forward their business, more than an opportunity to support a cause and save lives while supporting their business. We will evaluate each request and make a decision. If there are other ideas you have regarding “partnering” then please send those ideas along as we are always open to new ideas and suggestions. Be sure you understand who we are and what we do before sending.

How can I interview Rebecca?

Please send an email through our contact form. Please be sure to write “Interview Rebecca” in the subject line and tell us who you are, who you are with, what it is for, if it is on camera or print, and when you are looking to schedule it. We will proceed from there.

May I use your photos to post on my page/blog/website?

We prefer to know which photos you’re requesting to post so the proper person gets a photo credit and ask if you use any Foundation images you include the Foundation logo and the standupforpits.us website information. Thank you.

How can I become a merchant sponsor?

Click here to learn more: Merchant Sponsor.

Can pibbles fly internationally? What are the requirements? How do I make my dog a service animal?

GOOGLE, my friends. GOOGLE.

Pibble training advice?

The Stand Up For Pits Foundation doesn’t endorse any specific trainer or method of training. But if your dog is showing signs of anxiety or fear, get into a class or reach out to the community to get referrals of reputable trainers. We do believe in positive reinforcement training and we highly recommend researching self proclaimed “behaviorists” who claim to be affiliated with big name/famous dog trainers or rescue groups. Research these people and make sure they are legitimate. There are sadly a lot of unqualified people using other people’s names to make money.

Where can I send a gift to Rebecca and/or the Stand Up For Pits Foundation?

Please send us an email with the word “Gift” in the subject line. In the body of the email, explain what the gift is, who you are and why you are sending it. We’ll go from there.

Where can I watch a SUFP show/event online?

The answer to this question is, nowhere. We understand Stand Up For Pits is not in every city and many of you would like to see the show, but we do not currently tape the shows. This may change, but for now it’s a no. You can check out our Youtube Channel for interviews, snippets and videos.