Who We Are

We are a 501c3 non-profit dedicated to educating, advocating and saving the lives of pit bull “type” dogs. 

The Stand Up For Pits Foundation was inspired by a rescued pit bull type dog named Angel who changed the trajectory of SUFP’s Executive Director, Rebecca Corry’s life.  

After learning about the injustices pit bull type dogs face every day in America and around the world Rebecca knew doing nothing was not an option. In 2013 she began producing Stand Up For Pits comedy events in Los Angeles which led to sold out national tours. In 2014 she went on to organize the first ever One Million PIBBLE March on Washington dc where an estimated 5000 people from all across the country and Canada marched then rallied at the nations Capitol to raise awareness about the dogfighting epidemic and Breed Specific Legislation (BSL).

We believe in new ways, new thinking and being the change we want to see. We empower others to take real action however and whenever they can. If the animal welfare community could save them all it would have happened already. Society has to change and SUFP remains dedicated to fighting the misinformation and fear based ignorance pit bull type dogs face.  

The Stand Up For Pits Foundation supports Pit Bull “type” dog rescues around the country by raising funds, providing publicity opportunities and Pibble adoptions at the Stand Up For Pits live events. We supports front line rescue efforts and our Spay & Neuter Angel Day program serves good humans and their hippos in underserved communities nationwide all year round. What is happening to Pit Bull “type” dogs is not just an animal welfare issue. It’s in fact a direct reflection of a broken society and everyone’s problem. If communities are to become safer for humans and pets then everyone must do their part. 


Rebecca Corry
Maria Hall
Michelle Wornell
Jason Dudey


Danielle Plunkett
Julie Ashton
Emily Green
Diana Hufford-Green
Ashley Livesay
Mindy Sterling
Mo Collins


SUFP Event Leads – Los Angeles

Emily Green
Diane Hufford-Green

SUFP Event Leads – Tacoma

Lori Dale
Ashly Dale
Tom Dale

SUFP Event Leads – New York

Jo Anna Green
Lori Gach
Kathy Wortman
Karen Westover

SUFP Donation Drive Leads – Los Angeles

Danielle Plunkett
Davie Plunkett

Spay & Neuter Angel Day Lead

Danielle Plunkett

“Abuse and discrimination is wrong. Whether the abused and discriminated has two legs or four, it is wrong.” – Rebecca Corry


We believe in the truth. We believe Pit Bull “type” dogs are born inherently good like any other dog. We believe humans should be held accountable for negligent and abusive behavior. We believe the media should be held accountable for over 3 decades of perpetuating myths, untruth and hate speech toward Pit Bull type dogs. We believe discrimination and abuse is intolerable and goes against everything our country was built on. We believe in holding the animal community accountable for behaviors that damage the cause. We are not in this to make friends, we are in this to save dogs and we will speak the truth regardless of it’s popularity. We will be the voice for the voiceless.

Photo: This is ANGEL.  She is the reason for everything.


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