
Ending abuse, discrimination and saving lives is a group effort and while the SUFP Foundation is newly founded, it is mighty. We have amazing and dedicated supporters who believe in DOING. People who, when called to action, DO and follow through to the end. There is much work that needs to be done in order to reverse the 3 decades of ignorance, myths and fear based hate directed at “Pitbull type dogs.” We are the majority and we will continue to grow stronger and get louder. Abuse and discrimination is wrong, whether the abused or discriminated against has two legs or four, it is wrong. 2015 will continue to bring challenges but our dedication to being their voice and holding others accountable is unwavering.  

BSL/BDL is discrimination enshrined in law and goes against the very fiber our country was built on and has no place in our society. Dog fighting, abuse and neglect are all a direct reflection of a very broken society and as members of society this is EVERYONE’S problem. If we are to make our communities safer for humans and pets, doing nothing is NOT an option. We will constantly be dealing with uneducated humans who believe discrimination and hate speech is okay, but we will stand together as educators and advocates simply state the facts and the truth.  #standupforpits #truth 

(photography by Autumn Lucas)