IMG_7895GIANT thank you to Kaley Cuoco Sweeting and her perfect family for their years of supporting the Stand Up For Pits Foundation and live events.

Ending abuse, discrimination and saving the lives of beautiful and born inherently good “Pitbull type dogs” is not an easy cause to say the least but Kaley and her family’s voice are continuing to raise awareness and educate millions about the truth and as someone who loudly always has something to say, I find it impossible to properly articulate how important and valuable that is to the innocent lives we are all so dedicated to saving.

The Pibbles of the world thank Mrs. Sweeting beyond measure, as do I. The world is a better place with Kaley in it and we love her so much.

P.S. Angel is in a cab on her way to Kaley’s house cause she wants Kaley to be her forever home.