The SUFP Foundation has helped several individuals with front line rescues we trusted were honest, committed, qualified to foster and could responsibly provide care for a dog regardless if that individual had been approved by or was affiliated with a rescue or nonprofit. We’ve worked with some amazing people who walked the walk, honored the cause and the dogs which resulted in several happily ever afters.
Sadly, we’ve now experienced one too many front line rescues with individuals who have proven to be complete morons who didn’t have the dogs best interest at heart but wanted to be seen as some sort of caped crusading “super hero dog saver.” As a result ALL grant/fund/sponsorship requests forms from all individuals seeking any assistance must be filled out through and will be reviewed on a case by case basis. Irresponsible bleeding heart behavior is very common and precisely why many rescues and foundations refuse to step in in urgent situations unless the individuals involved have been approved first. Factually, ill equipped individuals who incessantly pull dogs and are uneducated about what it takes to properly foster and place them (especially very sick and abused Pitbull type dogs) put the dog’s life at risk, set them up for failure and hurt the cause. Yes, a compassionate heart is often times what motivates humans to rescue dogs but the fact is, a compassionate heart has little to do with responsible placement of dogs. It is educated decisions, patience, proper procedure, funds and the dogs needs being put first that gets dogs into appropriate homes. Many “big hearted rescuers” are hoarders and/or put dogs in the wrong hands because they get in way over their heads, get “stressed out” and can’t handle it and that is NOT okay. These are helpless innocent lives relying on people to save them and that needs to be taken very seriously. SUFP and others have been slandered for holding people accountable for this behavior and to those shameful humans we say “suck it.” We will not tolerate recklessness and encourage you all to do the same. If you see people pulling and posting dogs who are ill equipped, please intervene.‪
