There is no such thing as a breed called “Pitbull.” Pitbull is a generic term used to describe a “type” of dog because factually, there is no proper definition of a Pitbull. DNA evidence shows that dogs identified as “Pitbulls” are most often a mixes of several breeds so to identify them as Pitbulls is not only inaccurate it’s misleading. A Pitbull “type” dog is solely based on appearance which make banning this breed (BSL) and the “inherently dangerous” argument even that much more absurd, immoral and ignorant. All dogs, like humans, should be treated as an individuals. It is immoral and unethical to judge and entire group based on the actions of only a few. For more information on Pitbull type dogs, the history and qualities of these beautifully strong, loyal and loving companions we suggest you check out the site as we like what they have to say but never limit yourselves. Make the effort to educate yourselves by researching because the more facts you know the more truth you’re able to share and as lovers of these velvety, smiling clowns who are so misunderstood and vilified,
it’s up to us to tell the educated truth to the best of our ability if we expect others to understand how amazing these precious hippos are. #standupforpits #educate #TRUTH
