Report dog fighters. Call 911 and call 1-877-TIP-HSUS. Do not engage with dogfighting pages on FB or Instagram.  Screen shot all of it and report that too. If you do not get an immediate response from law enforcement, KEEP CALLING and reporting.  Provide them with as much evidence as possible. Dog fighting is EVERYWHERE in ALL communities being done by ALL people in ALL tax brackets, races gender and ages.  Dog fights are horrific and can last up to 2 hours. People are fighting dogs in trunks of cars, Uhauls, trails, basements, living rooms, backyards, vacant buildings, anywhere and everywhere. Dog fighting did not end when a mediocre pro football player got caught, it just shined the light on what is NOT a “cultural” act of heinous violence but rather a conscious  CHOICE to murder innocent and voiceless lives. Dog fighting is a major epidemic being done by sociopaths who, factually, will likely and most often times to DO go on to commit crimes against humans. Factually, where there is dog fighting there is other crime. illegal weapons, narcotics and other forms of abuse against animals and humans. Our government does not make ending this epidemic a priority in any way. Law makers instead choose to deem the victims “inherently dangerous” and ban them. Counties do not make funding Animal Cruelty Task Forces a priority therefore there are not people to enforce what laws there are in place for animal abusers/killers. This is not a popular subject and one many people would rather pretend doesn’t exist or not hear about because it’s “such a downer.” If we want safe communities for humans and pets then it is up to US to make this happen and ignoring it means accepting it.  Some of the biggest dog fighting ring busts have come from anonymous tips. The HSUS offers an up to $5000 reward for tips leading to the arrest or conviction of dog fighters.  Please consider looking into what you can do to help end this horrible act of violence.  The Humane Society offers some good information on their site as well #endabuse #standupforpits #enddogfighting #betheirvoice
