Many of you may remember Gracie. We posted her at least a half a dozen times over the past months and we are happy to report our last post reached the right person!!! Gracie has officially been adopted to an amazing family in Manhatten Beach! We are thrilled we had a part in this much deserved happy ending. A massive thank you to Gracie’s dedicated foster dad Erik Baiers who committed to this girl for almost a YEAR until she got her home. It can sometimes take that long or much longer to place a dog in the appropriate home and without Erik’s dedication and commitment to Gracie, she would have not gotten the chance to find her forever home. Fostering is an absolute vital part of the rescue process. If you’re qualified and willing to foster please consider reaching out to your local rescue and opening your home to a life in need. Thank you to all who made the effort to share Gracie and her story! Also, please remember, when posting dogs in need of homes provide as much info as possible. The more information provided the better their chances. GRACIE WINS!!! #standupforpits#rescue #adopt
