We are the voice of the voiceless and the more we know the more effective we can be.

An intriguing study in Psychological Science in the Public Interest reveals why people are more apt to believe false information being fed to them by the media and politicians.

According to the team of psychological scientists working on the study, led by Stephan Lewandowsky of the University of Western Australia, the main reason that people are more likely to believe false information is because it actually takes less brain power to believe a statement is false than to accept it as truth. Finding the truth takes time and effort that people often don’t care enough to spend on particular issues that aren’t of immediate concern to them.

How do we combat the mental apathy that helps reinforce misinformation?

-Provide people with a narrative that replaces the gap left by false information

-Focus on the facts you want to highlight, rather than the myths

-Make sure that the information you want people to take away is simple and brief

-Consider your audience and the beliefs they are likely to hold

-Strengthen your message through repetition

In addition, think carefully before attaching words like “vicious,” “dangerous,” or “attack” to any images of Pibbles even if it’s being done in an ironic or humorous way. While we, as Pibble lovers, may see the irony and humor because we are educated and understand how ridiculous those words are when describing our dogs, many do not and sadly those exact words have cost and continue to cost millions of innocent lives. As responsible owners, educators and advocates, we need to remember, the more we change the narrative, remove negative connotations and instead use positive facts and truth, the less ignorance will exist in our social conscience. The word “Pibble” is great because there is no negativity attached to it and using it continues to provide opportunities to educate when people ask “what is a Pibble?” It gives us a chance to tell the truth. We have over 3 decades of pathetic “Pitbull” bashing myths to clean up and changing the narrative will help open minds and the way people see them.‪#‎betheirvoice‬ ‪#‎standupforpits‬
