We hate seeing or posting graphic images but sometimes it needs to be seen to be understood. We encourage you to always research rescues and Foundations and always look into people who claim to be affiliated with large organizations trying gain followers and grow their businesses. Find out if your donations are indeed tax deductible and exactly what percentage of for profit companies merchandise is really going to the cause. Educate yourselves on who’s meme’s and for profit merchandise you’re posting in the name of “Pitbulls.” Instagram and Facebook is a wonderful and effective platform to educate, advocate and save lives but understand many misuse it. This is a devastating story which sadly happens far too often.

“By @pitbullsofinstagram
Who remembers this “PIT BULL RESCUE” that started on Instagram?! THIS IS WHY YOU NEED TO BECAREFUL WHO YOU GIVE YOUR MONEY TO I TOLD YOU GUYS 1000000 TIMES DO YOUR RESEARCH MY HEART BREAKS FOR THESE POOR DOGS IT IS HARD TO OWN AND OPERATE A RESCUE YOU CANT JUST SAY ONE DAY OH IM GOING TO START COLLECTING DOGS AND SAVING THEM, INSTAGRAM PEOPLE WILL GIVE ME $50,000 FOR MY DREAM” Look, I’m saving every penny I make, I work 3 jobs currently and owning a rescue is my dream! But it is not going to happen solely because of Instagram! There is currently people out here claiming they are going to build a rescue overnight if you give them 50,000!!!!! Please answer me this!!!!! ONCE YOU GET THE 50,000 FOR THE BUILDING AND LICENSE HOW THE HELL ARE YOU GOING TO PAY TO FEED ALL THE DOGS YOU BRING IN? HOW ABOUT VET BILLS? WHO WILL PAY THE ELECTRICITY AND WATER EVERY MONTH??! This is only the beginning of my rant. There will be more I promise you. I’m sorry guys but this infuriates me.”

Bergen County SPCA investigators filed 26 charges of animal cruelty and neglect against the owner and operator of a non-profit animal rescue who they said had two dead dogs inside her Dumont home and a half-dozen emaciated canines in her backyard.

Gabrielle Ganter, 30, was charged following an investigation that included necroposies after Bergen County AC removed the carcasses and live animals from the Brook Avenue residence on May 13th.”

#standupforpits #betheirvoice
