Dog fighting is one of the most heinous acts of violence and cruelty towards animals there is. It is NOT cultural, it is EVERYWHERE being done by all kinds of people of all ages, ethnicities and tax brackets.

Dog fighting is an organized, conscious choice to break the law made by dangerous and violent sociopaths to brutally torture, mutilate and murder dogs for fun and money. The dogs they choose and FORCE to fight are Pitbull type dogs though other types are fought too.

Some dog fights can last up to two hours only ending because of broken bones, exhaustion and death. The dogs who lose the fights are usually killed by shooting, drowning, electrocution, hanging and other unspeakable methods by their owners.
The isolation and abuse these dogs endure before they are forced to fight, the horrific fights themselves and the terrible deaths they endure after the fights makes what these dogs go through from beginning to end unthinkable.
Our society chooses to use millions of tax payer dollars to enforce ineffective and ignorant laws (BSL) in an effort to “make communities safer.” Yet FACTUALLY, what makes our communities unsafe are violent animal abusers. Lawmakers, law enforcement and city official’s jobs are to serve and protect us yet they blame and ban the victims and refuse to focus on the sociopaths abusing and fighting animals.

NONE of us are safe if this doesn’t change. Factually the common denominator among serial killers is they have all tortured or murdered animals.

Humans who abuse animals will likely and most often times DO go on to commit crimes against humans. If someone beats, neglects or fights his/her dog, that someone is more than capable of doing the same thing to you, your children or loved ones.

MANY human lives would be saved and many other crimes prevented if decision makers understood that what is happening to our dogs is a DIRECT REFLECTION of a very broken society. As community members it is on us to report ANY and ALL forms OF ANIMAL CRUELTY by calling 911 or 1-877-TIP-HSUS. Gather details, take photos, video, hang posters let your neighbors know and DO NOT STOP until someone HEARS you and DOES something.#standupforpits #enddogfighting
