On June 9th and again on June 17th the SUFP Foundation posted a call to action for people to contact LA county’s board of supervisors about the budget hearings to be done on June 23rd and encourage them to provide the funds being requested so as to improve shelters, staff, volunteers and help get animals adopted. Well the deliberations happened a day early (June 22nd) and We am BEYOND thrilled to let you all know YOUR VOICES WERE HEARD!! Today we received a letter regarding the hearing, it is posted below. We want to thank every single person who called and wrote because this was much needed and important to actually making a difference. You people are amazing and this is proof there is power in numbers when facts are presented, precise calls to action are given and people take action. Great job everyone!!! THANK YOU TO Orange County Pit Bull Rescue RescueTrain Lisa and other area rescues for posting the call to action! #standupforpits #betheirvoice

“The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors approved their 2015/16 budget yesterday. We are pleased to announce they approved $4 million for animal shelter repairs and enhancements that will enhance the well-being and comfort of the animals as well as people who work, volunteer, or visit the shelters. The Supervisors also instructed the Interim Chief Executive Officer to make recommendations for further enhancements of the buildings, as well as increasing staffing, for the County’s Supplemental Budget approval in the fall. We will keep you apprised of any new developments. Many thanks to everyone who made their voices heard on behalf of the animals!”