Khaleesi’s full story is unknown but what is known is she has clearly suffered years of unthinkable abuse at the hands of humans and yet her inherent goodness and beautiful spirit shines bright. She is lovely and amazing and sadly stories like Khaleesi’s are not uncommon, in fact, they happen daily. The Stand Up For Pits Foundation will be donating a $1000.00 grant to help aid in the many surgeries Khaleesi will be going through in order for her to be able to breathe and walk properly. Dogfighting, discrimination and the needless death’s of these perfect souls must end. Please keep doing all you can in any way you can. #standupforpits #enddogfighting #endabuse#betheirvoice #takeaction
For more info on Khaleesi please read below. We have provided links so you can learn more and follow this beautiful girl’s new life.
“Khaleesi will need two reconstructive surgeries to her nasal cavity. She is now endanger of aspirating because she can only breathe through her mouth. She will also need surgery on both legs for luxating patellas. Each leg will require two surgeries. She has multiple fractured ribs along with a fracture to her spine that will require additional surgery. All in all she will require approximately six surgeries to get her 100%. We are unsure of what the total cost will be at this time. She is in great spirits and the happiest baby pibble we’ve been around! She is so excited to get on with her new life! She has her own Facebook page which has updated pictures and videos of this little girl!”-Jennifer Myers
Passion 4 Pits Rescue is caring for Khaleesi. They are a 501c3 nonprofit.
Khaleesi’s Facebook Page:
Passion 4 Pits Facebook Page:
HUFFPO story on Khaleesi