It is a felony to fight dogs, attend a dog fight or make preparations to fight dogs. Dog fighting is a conscious well thought out decision. Many dogfighters prepare, carefully coordinate and think through where and how to fight dogs. Some force them to fight in trunks of cars, basements, hiking trails, alleys, farms, behind grocery stores, Uhauls etc. They feed them gun powder, inject them with steroids, starve them, torture them etc. Do they “train” them to fight? Yes. But dogs are FORCED to fight. It is not what they want to do. Dogfighting is NOT cultural. It doesn’t only happen in low income neighborhoods or in backwoods by hillbillies. All ethnicities, in all tax brackets at all education levels in all communities abuse and fight dogs. Nurses, police officers, veterinarians, school administrators and pro athletes, to name a few, have all been arrested and convicted of dogfighting. People with college educations making six figures are preparing and fighting dogs as you read this. If you think dogfighting and animal abuse does not happen in your area or does not directly effect you, think again.
Humans and animals are not safe from from dogfighters/abusers and this epidemic is getting worse. If steps are not taken immediately by our government and private citizens to stop this, our communities will continue to grow increasingly dangerous. Factually, the common denominator among all inmates on death row, regardless of ethnicity or crime committed is they have all tortured or murdered animals and where dogfighting is there is always other crime; Illegal weapons, drug dealing, gambling, assault against men, women and children, arson, rape, theft and murder.
The more you get involved the more human lives will be saved and other heinous crimes prevented. While it is estimated there are tens of thousands of dogfighters throughout the country and the numbers are growing, good people still are the majority and have the power to end this and force local, state and federal government to do something.
ALWAYS report any form of cruelty. If a dogfight is progress call 911. To report dogfighting in Los Angeles County call 1-877-777-2585.#standupforpits