Now the NORTH CENTRAL Shelter and vehicles and Special Ops vehicles now all have the Stand Up For Pits Foundation dogfighting tip line information. Please continue to share this much needed resource!

THIS TIP LINE NUMBER 1-877-777-2585 ONLY SERVES LOS ANGELES COUNTY and SURROUNDING AREAS. Tips can also be filed through All tips are private and confidential. They are NOT seen by any members of the Stand Up Fo Pits Foundation. They go directly to private investigators then onto law enforcement.
To report dogfighting tips outside of Los Angeles County call 1-877-TIP-HSUS and if a dog fight is in progress immediately call 911. Also call your local Animal Control and your local Animal Cruelty Task Force. If you don’t see results right away, DO NOT GIVE UP, keep calling and reporting and let others in your community know about what is happening. There is power in numbers. ‪#‎standupforpits‬ ‪#‎enddogfighting‬



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