We want to thank the Honest Kitchen for making the Stand Up For Pits Foundation their charity of the month for the month of September. Their $574.00 donation and support over the years is much appreciated.
We also want to thank all of our donors and supporters. We are all in this together and every single effort matters. The Stand Up For Pits Foundation is dedicated to ending abuse, discrimination and saving the lives of inherently good souls who are judged, abused and killed daily.
There is an enormous amount of work that needs to be done but if we all remain focussed on the dogs and stand strong together, we can and will see change. The old way isn’t working, so it’s on us to keep taking action in new ways and coming up with new ideas. Doing things for the first time or differently always comes with skepticism, judgements and nay sayers. Ignore it. There are millions of helpless lives depending on us to be their voice and take action. Always make that your focus. Our dream is to one day look back at the horrors pit bull type dogs have suffered and continue to suffer at the hands of humans as a shameful period in history never to be repeated again and that foundations like this one won’t have to exist because our dogs are being protected, loved and respected. #standupforpits #endabuse #educate


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