AMERICANS need to wake up and focus on what is going on in AMERICA. The horrors around the globe (trophy hunting, elephant poaching, the seal hunt, Yulin-sadly the list goes on and on..) are not to be diminished but unspeakable horrors are happening in our own first world country-land of the free-back yard’s.

***Animals being forced to fight was among the heinous acts of violence some of these animals endured.***

Make your voices heard. Take action. Report dogfighting, abuse and neglect. Take photos, go to the media…do whatever it takes and don’t stop until something is done. Law makers and city officials need to be held accountable for not providing enough resources and funding so these kinds of daily atrocities can end. Stop thinking this doesn’t happen in your area or that this is the “crazy animal people’s problem, not yours.” It is everyone’s problem. Be aware of what is going on around you. If you suspect something, DO SOMETHING. Doing nothing is not an option.

If you or someone you know doesn’t care about animals and believe this is not your problem, know this…violent animal abusers will likely and most often times DO go on to commit crimes against humans. That means you or your loved ones could be next. So don’t cry and be shocked if a sociopath whose been torturing and murdering animals his/her whole life shoots up a school, rapes someone you love, burns down your house or murders a loved one. The common denominator among all inmates on death row regardless of ethnicity or crime committed is they have all abused, tortured or killed animals before killing people. The fact that people and many decision makers who have the power to make communities safer for humans and pets choose to ignore this fact is beyond ignorant.

To report dogfighting in LOS ANGELES COUNTY call 1-877-777-2585



#betheirvoice #standupforpits #endabuse #enddogfighting


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