Tomorrow morning Whitney Cummings will be presenting Stand Up For Pits Foundation founder and president, Rebecca Corry and her sweet Angel with the Rescue Train’s Indy Spirit Award in front of thousands at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena. Rebecca is very honored to be this year’s recipient and thrilled for the opportunity to raise even more awareness about our inherently precious dogs. Angel and Rebecca will be accepting the award on behalf of those who stand with then and the SUFP Foundation by doing all they can every day to educate, advocate and save the lives of pit bull type dogs and on behalf of all the beautiful lives we all keep fighting for. Keep up the amazing work everyone! We are all in this together.

I will post photos tomorrow from the event and for more information on Race For The Rescues go to and to support the Rescue Train go to

The Rescue Train (non-profit 501c3) will present the second “Indy Spirit Award,” to Rebecca Corry and her beautiful dog, Angel, at our 10th annual Race for the Rescues at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena on Oct. 24, 2015.

Indy was the beautiful pitbull that had fireworks strapped to him, was set ablaze and left in a Van Nuys alley, and suffered from 3rd degree burns over half of his body. The award, named in Indy’s honor, recognizes animals who have overcome incredible obstacles and odds and the people who have helped them. The first recipients of the award were, of course, Indy and his Mom, Jenny Mandel.
Watching Rebecca fight for justice, and seeing how that fight has increased the awareness of animal abuse, has touched all of us at The Rescue Train. From her Stand Up For Pits Foundation to her Million Pibble March on Capital Hill, to her efforts to end discrimination, abuse and dog fighting, we have been so inspired and impressed by Rebecca and Angel’s mission. Thank you for being the voice for the voiceless!

Come join us at this year’s Race for the Rescues, as we present the Indy Spirit Award to such well-deserved recipients.-The Rescue Train
#standupforpits #betheirvoice #angel #enddogfighting#enddiscrimination


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