To report dogfighting in LOS ANGELES COUNTY call 1-877-777-2585. Calls to this number are answered by live operators (English & Spanish speaking) and ONLY SERVES the residents of Los Angeles County and surrounding areas.

If you are not a Los Angeles resident your options for reporting dogfighting are; call the HSUS national tip line 1-877-TIP-HSUS, report to your local ACTF (animal cruelty task force-if you have one), your local Animal Control and law enforcement. If a dog fight is in progress or preparations are being made to fight dogs, immediately call 911.

The SUFP tip line and HSUS tip line are not the same. SUFP independently funds and operates our own toll free number. While it would be easier to send people to the national HSUS line, less work and cost less we do not feel it provides the best chance at catching dogfighters in this area. Our own local PI’s, live bi-lingual operators, specific advertising and close relationships with local law enforcement increase the chances of catching, arresting and convicting dogfighters greatly. The key to the operation is making sure the over 10 million residents know this resource exists and we need your help with that. So please share the tip line resource with others and let people know there is an up to $5000 reward should their tip lead to the arrest or conviction of a dogfighter.

Animal abuse effects us all. Animal abusers are a danger to humans, pets and our communities and we have the power to remove them but we have to speak up and take action. #enddogfighting


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