Here’s Lola moments after being pulled from death row by a guy named Sean Houlihan. Sean saw our posts about Lola and reached out to the SUFP Foundation and offered to help. After coming up with a plan with him, 2 days later he got in his car, drove to the shelter and pulled Lola. She was filthy so he got her a bath. He took her to the vet for shots, a check up & teeth cleaning. He gave her lots of attention, love, free boarding and got a photographer to take quality photos of her because quality photos help dogs get adopted. SUFP donated $300 to Sean’s facility for all his hard work but after a month SUFP felt Lola needed to be socialized, receive training and be somewhere where we could learn more about her. So we moved her to a paid boarding facility that offered those services.
We’re telling you about Sean’s role in Lola’s story hoping it will inspire everyone to DO more. Clicking “share” and “like” and sending prayers and positive vibes matter but those acts alone do not save lives.
Of course, not everyone has a boarding facility or the means to pull a dog like Sean did and as a matter of fact, many people shouldn’t be pulling dogs at all. We had a terrible experience once with what we call a “Bleeding Heart Animal Avenger.” Many have also experienced or heard of these types. While these caped crusaders may mean well, their behavior is reckless, hurts the cause, can cost lives and leaves messes for others to clean up. Good intentions with no recourses, experience or long term plan can and often does further victimize the victims.
If you desire to DO then do it correctly. Become an approved FOSTER, ADOPT, DONATE time, supplies, resources and/or funds. EDUCATE & ADVOCATE every chance you get and VOLUNTEER…even if just once a year.
We’re all busy and DOING takes time but if we all did one more thing than we’re doing now more lives would be saved.
So..before you tag large accounts or email, rescues & groups doing all they can and asking and expecting them to do more, first ask yourself if you’re doing all you can.
Millions of Lola’s die in shelters every year and she could’ve been another had Sean not taken the time to DO. SUFP and Lola thank Sean and all who choose to DO.
