Over the years I have received countless letters and have read endless comments about how Angel has changed the lives of people all over the world. How she has inspired people with or without dogs to DO something and stand firmly against injustice. I shared some of those stories occasionally but never felt the need to share them like I do now.

Angel taught me and millions of others about truth without ever saying a word. She never needed words because the power of truth is undeniable and that is exactly what she was and will always be. She was inherent goodness and unconditional love wrapped in a perfect velvet body. She defied every stupid stereotype and changed the minds of people who’d been trained for 3 decades by our uneducated society to fear her “kind” within SECONDS of meeting her. She was a beautiful ambassador for all hippos and saw every encounter with human beings as opportunity to educate them through love.

Angel inspired thousands to march on Washington and to start life saving and educational programs. She inspired people to organize other marches and rallies and to donate, become fosters and adopt. She inspired people to speak up, make phone calls and demand change…(the list goes on and on).

I don’t believe I truly understood the level of her impact or just how important it is to share those stories of inspiration with others until now. It took her leaving for me to fully understand. Angel is still teaching me so I want to honor her infinite undying wisdom and spirit by sharing some of the comments and stories she inspired more often. Because, simply put, we all need to be and remain inspired.

Those who stand up for the innocent voiceless lives being tortured, discriminated against and killed daily endure an enormous amount of soul crushing reality. I believe it’s important for us all to know there is hope, that people are doing good, making change and saving lives. Being reminded and encouraged to share these stories of hope helps hearts continue on with the work.

Angel’s is proof that saving ONE life truly can change the world.-Rebecca Corry

#standupforpits #angel #betheirvoice #truth



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