
PLEASE READ CAREFULLY what is required to be considered.
Some have submitted without publicly posting and just listing reasons as to why they think they deserve it and sending us the photo that’s supposed to be posted with the story and a bunch of other stuff that makes no sense.

So again, please read the requirements.  There is a lot more to the ANGEL grants than just giving money away, it is also about raising awareness and inspiring others to get involved and it is all very clearly explained.


Additionally, if you don’t have a story to submit but you want to help support the ANGEL grant give away and all SUFP Foundation efforts, we are always accepting and in need of donations. Just like many of you, we are small and work extremely hard to raise the funds needed to help groups, individuals and dogs nationwide. We have yet to be given a grant of any kind but we are asked daily by groups and individuals for donations, grants and help. We are extremely proud of what we are able to do for how small we are but we want to keep doing more and we need your help to do so. If you’re not able to donate directly, diligently sharing our events, Donation Drive posters, dogfighting tip line information and/or specific pointed posts is just as important. Or when shopping Amazon you can choose us as your charity because we are part of the AmazonSmile program.
For those who intend on posting your inspiring words…we very much look forward to reading all the amazing stories and seeing them getting posted and shared! Gonna be good so start thinking about what you’re gonna write!
#standupforpits #ANGELforever