
2 months ago a dogfighting ring bust happened in San Diego (link to story http://www.nbcsandiego.com/news/local/Officials-Break-Up-Dog-Fighting-Ring-in-Linda-Vista-374038981.html). The dogs were seized and brought back to Los Angeles County because that’s where the investigation started. It was reported one was pregnant. We were told that’s incorrect.

Upon learning about the bust, the SUFP Foundation reached out to lead investigators and county and offered to help all the dogs that were seized and made it clear we’d do whatever it takes. It’s a difficult ask because LA County has ordinance which deems dogs “vicious” who’ve been recovered from a dogfighting operation and that label is often times a death sentence but we remained diligent.

TODAY, we would like to introduce LUNA and TINY (named by the dogfighter). Luna is the mother of all the dogs seized and is estimated to be 5 years old. Tiny is 1-2 years old, doesn’t appear to have ever fought and he is Luna’s son. What Luna and Tiny have endured is unimaginable but TODAY that ends and we could not be more honored to be a part of that.

The SUFP Foundation does not pull dogs from shelters, handle adoption apps or placement so we asked several groups with pull rights in LA county if they’d pull the dogs, sign the required waiver and handle placement and ONE amazing group called LoveLeo Rescue agreed to help!

TODAY Luna and Tiny start their new lives. LoveLeo will handle apps and placing them (when Luna & Tiny are ready) and the SUFP Foundation will pay for all medical, nutritional, training and daycare/boarding needs for as long as it takes. Lisa Beaumont of The Rescue Train will transport them to a facility where they’ll spend time relaxing, healing from getting fixed and receive one on one attention. In the past 5 years of 10 the dogfighting cases the county has handled Luna and Tiny are the only other 2 dogfighting victims to walk free. The other dogs in this case were euthanized.

The loss of life is tragic and unfair but today we celebrate the victory these 2 lives. Big thanks to county and investigating officials for accepting SUFP’s offer to help, LoveLeo for stepping up and Lisa for the transport.
MUCH MUCH MORE to come on the details and journey of Tiny and Luna.

#standupforpits #enddogfighting