Lucille is a victim and one of the many faces of the horrors of dogfighting in our country. Lucille’s life was spared because the Stand Up For Pits Foundation worked our asses off to make that happen and now we are doing all we can to keep her alive and give her a chance at the life and love she so rightfully deserves.
Lucille has been diagnosed with Ehrlichia and Babesia and is now in kidney failure and all the awful crap that goes along with kidney disease. Her kidneys may already be too damaged to maintain but we are giving her every chance possible and it is not free. As a matter of fact, it’s costing us thousands of dollars. So if you’ve ever thought about making a tax deductible donation to the SUFP Foundation, right about now would be a real good time. Also, in an effort to raise funds we created a couple of Lucille pieces of merchandise.
Vvailable at
(SUPF profit per shirt is $17.50 and $16.00 per tank)