img_1508Perhaps some of the thousands upon thousands of dollars recently raised by all the American individuals and groups in the name of Montreal’s pit bull “type” dogs can be used on some of the countless dogs currently sitting in US shelters waiting to die or in the many US states where Breed Specific Legislation is currently very much enforced. Please consider taking realistic educated action to ending the atrocities happening here at home as well. Donating money is not the only way you can help. Rally, march, protest, write letters, make calls, educate and advocate.  Everyone has the power to be heard and create change.

Our hope is that discriminatory laws against pit bull “type” dogs and all dogs effected by discrimination enshrined in law will one day be a thing of the past never to be repeated again, here at home, in Montreal and around the world. Educating people about the ineffectiveness and ignorance that is BSL is one of the many reasons we marched on Washington two years ago and continue to educate others about how awful it is. Many of our own active duty military are not allowed to bring pit bull “type” dogs onto bases and are forced to give up their family members. That is not okay.

Ending BSL is a process and acting solely on emotion (which is understandable and easy to do) without facts, doesn’t help. Educated, well thought out plans, taking appropriate actions, strong resources and hard work does.
We are hopeful the decision makers in Montreal will reconsider enforcing costly ineffective discriminatory laws, let go of fear based ignorance, educate themselves and instead hold humans accountable when bad things happen and not inherently good voiceless victims.
We will do our best to keep you updated but please take the initiative to research and inform yourselves about what happens and feel free to share your findings with us. The more everyone knows, the better.


#standupforpits #endbsl #edcuate #advocate