
Sorry for the blurry photo, but this is too important to not share. Pictured (identity protected) is a renowned senior law enforcement specialist, with a national organization, speaking at a conference last week about the SUFP tip line and using our messaging as an example.

Our SUFP private investigator attended. The conference was about breaking the chain of violence link between Animal Abuse/Child Abuse/Domestic Violence/Elder Abuse, as well as information on animal fighting. This conference provided networking with county and regional investigators and increased knowledge, resources, and improved opportunities for prosecution.

SUFP is proud to offer over 10 million residents of LA County the much needed resource of our tip line and hope it inspires other groups and/or individuals to do the same in their cities and counties.
Some may ask “why run a tip line when the dogs seized in LA County will likely end up destroyed?” It is infuriating that LA County enforces an uneducated and discriminatory ordinance that labels dogs seized from operations as “vicious.” This ordinance, ridiculous stipulations and label, is a death sentence and needs to be changed. We have and will continue to pursue this issue and will be asking for your voices to be heard on it as well. But doing nothing about dogfighting is not and never will be an option for SUFP. To turn a blind eye is to condone it and as long as abusers are free, humans and pets are not safe.

Factually, where there is animal abuse there is always other crime, and sociopathic abusers almost always go on to commit crimes against people. It’s unfair, sad, and sickening to think that being humanely destroyed is what these victims, who have been victimized their entire lives, will likely face if they are lucky enough to get out alive. But it far outweighs the horrific world of torture and abuse they are forced to endure in the world of dogfighting.

Animal abuse is everyone’s problem and we created and operate an independent tip line to be part of the solution and try to help make communities safer for humans and pets. It will be in place forever if need be.

To report dogfighting in LOS ANGELES COUNTY call 1-877-777-2585.