img_6484Dogfighting continues to be an epidemic in our country which most like to ignore and believe went away when when Vick was arrested back in 2007. That is wrong and ignorant to believe that’s the case. Dogfighting is very much still happening by men and women, young and old of all ethnicities in all communities in our country. It’s time ending dogfighting becomes a priority in this country. Where there is dogfighting, there is ALWAYS other crime. To end dogfighting would make communities safer for humans and pets. This can no longer be ignored and we all have the power to change this. Make your voices heard and always take action if you suspect someone is fighting or making preparations to fight dogs.
To report dogfighting in LOS ANGELES COUNTY call 1-877-777-2585.
#standupforpits #betheirvoice #endabuse #reportdogfighting
The national tip line number is 1-877-TIP-HSUS.