16195502_10154495699227561_8733021083552609292_nWe would love to get Sally into a foster or loving forever home. She LOVES all humans and cannot be without touching her person. She loves snuggling on the couch, sleeping in bed under the covers and could not be grateful or sweeter.
She walks AMAZING on the leash, loves riding in the car and she loves snow peas, bananas, baby carrots and food in general.
She pees and poops right when she gets outside and then immediately starts looking for people to say hello to.
Sally is not actively dog or cat “aggressive” but they do cause her a great deal of anxiety. She shakes when she sees them. Literally shakes like she is freezing cold but she does not engage them or become focussed. She keeps it moving, which is great. She is so easy to handle and responds so great to corrections.
She is extremely smart, aware and very present. She makes eye contact and knows everything going on.
This girl is an absolute gem. A total gift.

If you can foster or are interested in adopting Sally please email [email protected] and yes, please keep sharing her. She doesn’t use Instagram because she doesn’t have thumbs and can’t remember her password.
#standupforpits #adoptSally


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