In the ongoing effort to free Todd of some very deep rooted fears, it brings me so much joy to share that this little guy is doing exactly that. Day by day he gains the confidence he needs to eat in the kitchen, not barf in the car, not have accidents in the house and walk down the street without being terrified of sounds or a paper bag.
Precious Mr. Todd hiked all the way to the top today and he only stopped a couple of tines. Not because of fear but instead to check in so he could follow the lead.
We are so incredibly proud of Todd and all he has overcome. There is still some work that needs to be done but man o man, what an incredible spirit, kind heart and inspiring will to overcome the odds. That is not easy to do and we are honored to be a part of his journey and so grateful we were able to save his precious life. We also believe there are two very special angel’s helping him every step of the way and many of you know who they are.
We want to encourage all of you to go out and save a life. Consider the ones no one wants and remain dedicated to them and even though it’s tremendous amounts of work, costly and heart wrenching at times, it is always worth it. If you’ve already saved a life then please continue to encourage others to do it. The best way to show others how special it is to save a life is by making the relationship you have with your rescue the example. They are all individuals. Some are easier than others but they all matter and we truly believe they make us better no matter how hard it can sometimes be.
Also, we read this post to Todd because we wanted him to know how proud we are of him and did not give half a fuck.
#standupforpits #enddogfighting #TODD #ANGEL #LUCILLE