IMG_7129If this story was about a toddler, it would be front page news and there would be outrage. But somehow our society believes dogs, who cannot speak or help themselves (just like a toddler) is not an important enough story to mention when factually, it’s been proven time and time again that people who are capable of abusing and killing animals are likely and most often times DO go on to commit crimes against humans.

As a society we need to see the importance of reporting abusers and making others aware of who they are and what they are capable of. Animal abusers are an extreme danger to our society and most of time remain unknown and receive little to no punishment. People are always shocked when women or rich people are caught abusing animals. Why? Abuse, dogfighting and neglect are done by all kinds of people in all tax brackets, ethnicities and communities everywhere, rich, poor, rural and inner city. Wake up. Look around you.

Take a walk through your neighborhood. Ask people in your community if they have noticed or seen abuse or neglect and if they have, ask them if they have reported it. Programs the names and numbers of your local animal control in your phone. Video tape and snap photos if you are able to do so safely and share them. Animal Control and law enforcement can’t be everywhere, so it is up to US to take action as a society against abusers. It is intolerable and together we can make it difficult on sociopath’s to continue heinous acts of violence against helpless voiceless beings. Enough is enough.

Decade after decade, day after day of helpless dogs are horrifically victimized at the hands of humans. They are being raped, beaten, eaten, neglected, tortured, fought and killed my the millions simply because humans get off on doing it. It is laughable when/if anyone attempts to say dogs are “dangerous.” Literally laughable. There is nothing more dangerous on earth than human beings and they continue to consistently prove that each and every day.


#standupforpits #betheirvoice #endabuse #reportabuse #takeaction


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