16195126_10154518192722561_8757575140077924434_nSally got x-rays on Thursday and they looked GREAT! She is 95% healed. Her amazing surgeon, Dr. Kim Carey, is very happy with how she has healed, walking and what great shape she’s in.
We asked if Sally could finally have her ling awaited run on the beach and Dr. Kim said she can do it in 4 weeks.
This week, Sally will get three 15 minute walks per day.
Next week she will get three 20 minute walks per day.
Week 3 she will get three 30 minute walks per day.
The 4th week, she will get three, 30 minute walks but can walk longer if she is up for it.
After the 4th week, she will get one more round of x-rays to just be 100% sure she is fully healed. At that time, if Dr. Carey gives the go ahead, then our sweet Sally will get her run on the beach!!
In the meantime, we are accepting applications on Sally. She is located in Los Angeles and ideally, we want her adopted locally. She requires to be the only hippo of the house and deserves it.
Please email [email protected] if you would like to adopt one of the sweetest velveteen hippos in all the land.
#standupforpits #adoptSally #endabuse #banbreedersnotdogs #adoptdontshop #shelterdogsrule


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