It’s astonishing that our society continues to compartmentalize and prioritize animal abuse and crimes against humans as separate things. Day after day, year after year, decade after decade, it is proven that where there is animal abuse (dogfighting or otherwise) there is ALWAYS other crime yet getting an ACC officer to even respond to a call is almost impossible primarily because they are understaffed and from federal, to the local levels, it’s still not a priority in this country to catch and prosecute animal abusers. The animal abuser pictured, killed his son and as you read this post there are animal abusers torturing animals as well as beating women, dealing drugs, stealing, fighting dogs, assaulting people, committing armed robbery, committing arson and the list goes on and on.
If you do not own a dog or even like dogs, it does not matter. Animal abuse is EVERYONE’S problem and people outside of the animal community to need to step up and support groups and individuals doing all the can to end animal abuse which will make communities safer for humans and pets. That means you, your kids and loved ones If you choose to do nothing, then you condone it and will need to accept that you or loved ones could very easily become the next victim of an animal abuser. #fact #standupforpits #endabuse #reportdogfighting #betheirvoice #takeaction