16997691_639452686263417_5190917408621656442_nFor those who missed the chance to get an ANGEL end dogfighting hat, we ordered 12 extra and they (NOW only 7) are available now at standupforpits.us!

Thank you for modeling sweet Nanners! It looks amazing on you precious hippo girl ?

The TODD tee and v-neck sweater campaign is now closed. Thanks so much to @normancook @pitbullsofinstagram @ourpitpage @lexy_the_elderbull @lolas_home @calistathepitbull @journeyofnana @mrtankcook and all the others who shared this important campaign. It raised much needed funds and will provide countless opportunities to educate others and raise awareness about the horrors of dogfighting. Todd is one of the lucky ones. Sadly, the majority of dogfighting victims are not so lucky. Education and awareness is key to ending this abuse. If you know something or see something, report it. Tell others and have them report it to. Make noise. We are their voice.

#standupforpits #angelforever #reportdogfighting #enddogfighting