This is Dude and Dude was saved from dogfighting. Please take a moment to read the letter sent to us about Dude and then please take a moment to share. We owe victims of dogfighting the protection to not be further victimized once saved. For him to go through all he has and end up dying in the shelter is NOT okay.
Dude waits patiently in his kennel everyday. Everyday since October when he was brought into the shelter and rescued from his hell. He watches people walk by usually not even acknowledging him. People see an old dog with a gray and white muzzle and a scarred and battered body……he’s not the cute little puppy people are looking for. Dude has come a long way during his time at the shelter. He was once too scared to even come out of his kennel. …but the staff and volunteers at Hernando helped to give this boy life and love. He loves going to the play yard and still has a spunky side! Dude is one of three Twig St. dogs left. And is now considered URGENT. Please help us find Dude a loving home to spend his days and finally have a real family of his own! Hernando Animal Services, 19450 Oliver St. Brooksville, FL 352-796-5062 or [email protected]
#standupforpits #enddogfighting #reportdogfighting #betheirvoice


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