…thousands gathered from all over the United Stated, Canada and Europe to stand together as one loud voice for our inherently good dogs. May 3rd, 2014 we stood together against abuse and discrimination. We marched the streets of Washington DC and converged then rallied on the West Lawn of the US Capitol and made our voices heard. The historical One Million PIBBLE March On Washington DC was the first of it’s kind and a day that changed and continues to inspire the thousands of people who attended and watched from afar. To know the horrors these dogs go through and do nothing is to condone it and to condone it is intolerable. The PIBBLE march empowered and encouraged people to use their voices, hold society accountable and take action to save lives. 3 years later, this movement is stronger than ever and continues to grow. PIBBLE marchers are educators and advocates who fight to save lives. The programs, stories and lives changed and saved because of this day are endless and while there is an overwhelming amount if work that needs to be done, change is happening.
The PIBBLE march was organized from a one bedroom apartment by one person with no financial backing or support and it was inspired by one beautiful life who continues to change the world. It was a grass roots effort that became a reality because of the truth. These dogs are our family members and are vilified, tortured and murdered and it needs to stop and our society needs to recognize that.
Every person has the power to be the change they wish to see. Believing that and then getting off the couch and doing something saves lives and fuck anyone who says otherwise. I’m honored to be one of the many actively working to help make communities safer for humans and pets and will continue doing so for as long as it takes.
#standupforpits #pibblemarch #america #enddogfighting #endbsl #angelforever #dc #march #advocate #educate #savelives