
The fact that dogfighting doesn’t make front page national news unless it’s a pro football player is shameful and says everything about our society.
Dogfighting is happening every day in our country by all people in all tax brackets of all ethnicities. It is one of the most heinous forms of animal cruelty there is and those who participate in it go on to commit crimes against humans yet, it continues to never get the attention it deserves and remains unknown by many. We will continue to keep posting the endless stories and running the Los Angeles tip line. If you are interested in operating a tip line in your city or county email [email protected].
Sadly most dogs seized from operations are destroyed because of fear base ignorant laws which deems them “vicious” but this does not detour us from keeping the tip line up. No dog deserves the horrors of life in a dogfighting operation and we will remain dedicated to doing what we can to help end it.
To report dogfighting in Los Angeles County call 1-877-777-2585.
National tip line number is 1-877-TIP-HSUS.
#standupforpits #betheirvoice #enddogfighting #america


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