Lemme get this straight. A sociopath tortures, fights, hangs, shoots, skins, electrocutes and violently murders innocent dogs for years and our society rewards him by putting his cowardly cunt face on TV.
This human garbage is no different than a child murdering, woman beating, animal fucking serial killer. He is a danger to society and is mentally ill. All people who abuse, torture, mutilate and murder animals are. That is a fact.
AND, lets be real real clear, dogfighting did NOT end in 2007 when this missed abortion opportunity got caught. He simply gave a famous face to a very real and horrific epidemic that goes on DAILY which our society chooses to ignore.
Dogfighters and abusers should be dragged behind a truck by their genitalia through city streets until there’s just a nub left. I lived and volunteered in West Africa and people don’t steel bananas and nuts from carts at night cause that’s what happens to people who steal. We should implement that here instead of rewarding violent criminals.
And if you’re sitting on your couch reading this thinking my words and rage aren’t warranted, then I challenge you to educate yourself. Google dogfighting. Watch the videos and when you want to look away, don’t. Make yourself see it. The fights can last up to 3 hours while humans stand around talking, eating and laughing. And when you’re done vomiting, go punch yourself as hard as you can in the face for being so consciously unaware of the world you live in. Then get off your ass and do something to change it. And if you choose not to help or educate yourself then you are condoning it and should never be shocked when an animal abuser makes you or your loved ones his/her next victim.
Animal abusers don’t stop at animals, so wake up. This is everyone’s problem.-Rebecca Corry



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