We are beyond thrilled to announce that the @standupforpitsfoundation Donation Drive’s have raised $43,039.00 worth of shelter supplies nationwide so far this year and we are just getting started!!

TODAY is Stand Up For Pits BUFFALO and it is a perfect time for the amazing people of Buffalo, to help your local shelter animals. The @cityofbuffaloanimalshelter takes in many animals and these simple supplies make all the difference in the world to animals stuck in our shelter system. Together we can and are making a difference. Please look at the list of supplies the shelter can accept we’ve provided on the poster and then please take a moment to drop by a supply or two. A volunteer will be there curbside to assist you and you effort will make a difference in the lives of the many deserving shelter animals who are relying on us for help.
Do not support breeders. Always adopt. Millions of innocent souls die needlessly in shelters every year and there is no one to blame but humans. So lets work together to help them tomorrow and we encourage you to help them throughout the year. If SUFP doesn’t come to your city, you can still take the initiative and do these drives yourself.

We look forward to standing up with you today in Buffalo! Tickets for the show are available now at standupforpits.us. Get em.

#standupforpits #2017sufptour #angelforever #buffalo


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