Today’s SOLD OUT event marks the end of our 13 city SUFP Tour!! This tour has raised $56,808.00 for nonprofit rescues nationwide and $63,152.00 worth of shelter supplies not including today’s event. These incredible events have placed dogs in homes, raised much needed awareness and created new and important opportunities to educate society about our inherently good dogs.
This years SUFP tour paid for several costly emergency surgeries for dogs in need, provided many sizable grants to special needs cases and a $5000 grant to help evacuate 60 sick Hurricane Harvey animals. SUFP events also provided the $35,000.00 it cost to fund the first annual Spay/Neuter Angel Day, which fixed 428 animals in 9 cities and the @standupforpitsfoundation Los Angeles dogfighting tip line is a fully operational and much needed resource for the over 10 million people of LA County. This tip line has provided viable tips along with abuse and neglect cases we’ve vetted and addressed. Every post, email or action large or small we do daily is why Todd, Sally and countless more like them are getting a chance at life but there is much much more to be done. Ending the genocide takes much more than just front line rescue efforts. It requires smart, hard working dedicated humans willing and able to fix the problem not just treat the symptoms. Think different, do different and anyone who tries to get in your way can seriously fuck off. Not one bit of this is easy and it’s soul crushing, but together we are absolutely making a difference. If you haven’t been able to attend an event, you can donate at and buy our merchandise when we launch another campaign. You can make us your amazon smile charity choice when shopping and tell others to do the same.
The human garbage that is determined to ban, abuse and kill our dogs don’t take days off and neither do we and neither should you. If we’re ever going to get off the giant hamster wheel that is rescue we need to stay dedicated daily for as long as it takes.
#standupforpits #angelforever #portland #endabuse #2017sufptour #endbsl #enddogfighting