This beautiful soul is Lincoln and the SUFP Foundation is paying for her ear surgery.
Lincoln is in a foster based, tiny rescue in St. Louis rescue called Four Paws Sake. She is a horrible neglect/abuse case. She was saved from Mount Vernon Animal Control where she was going to die. They were told she had a “slight ear infection.” Lincoln is also missing half of her face. Her cheek is gone, no one knows what hell she suffered, and the injury has completely healed. When she drinks her whole head goes in the bowl up to her eyes and when she comes out of the water bowl most of what she still has in her mouth comes out the side thats missing.
Because of her ears, she’s on all kinds of meds, but there’s no aeration to allow them to heal. The yeast just keeps building back up in there.
With having expensive, hypoallergenic food, allergy meds, and chronic ear infections she has a huge battle on finding a home that will deal/afford her issues. If her ears get fixed that’s one less thing against her. Lincoln is aprox 5-6 years old. Has had a million babies in her past and loves everyone she meets.
She will be getting a total ear canal ablation, which will cost $1200.
Once healed she will be available for adoption. Another life in desperate need of help will get just that. Thanks to all who continue to support the work we do.
#standupforpits #endabuse