SUFP got word the night before last about this abused little girl adopted from the Devore Shelter. She needed emergency surgery and the SUFP Foundation was able to help. She’s been through hell and deserves her chance and we are hoping she pulls through. Learn more about Valerie below.

On December 12th a female German Shepard mix was picked up by San Bernardino Animal Control as a stray and taken to the Devore shelter. She was approx. nine months old, very malnourished (skin and bones), old trauma to her right flank and missing a toe from her rear right paw. Her new mom and dad (Tim and Monica) met her on Sunday the 17th, and named her Valerie. She was spayed Monday and they brought her home that evening. Valerie is a beautiful soul, gentle, loving, and very smart. She does not yet know how to play, but her favorite toy, a pink chew rope, was given to her by Tim’s mom (Me). On Saturday the 23rd Tim and Monica could tell Valerie was not doing well. They took her to a wonderful Veterinary Office, Terra Vista Animal Hospital in Rancho Cucamonga, where they met Dr. Elizabeth Bernardini. Poor Valerie had a huge internal abscess near her sutures from her spay. The abscess had attached to her intestine and caused a complete blockage. Dr. Liz performed surgery on Valerie and it went very well. Valerie also had some gravel in her stomach and intestines from prior to her time at the shelter and Dr. Liz took care of that and an umbilical hernia.
Valerie came home this morning and is doing well. She is not out of the woods yet as they don’t know if her positive test for parvo was from her recent vaccination or because she has it. Valerie is resting comfortably and seems to be handling her “donut of shame” well. So glad she doesn’t have the plastic cone. So far she is not eating, and she may have to head back to the ER if this continues through the afternoon.
Thank you, Thank you to SUFP for the Angel grant of $1000.00 to help cover the cost her care. It took a great deal of stress off two young people who did the right thing and rescued this wonderful dog who turned out to be in much worse shape than they thought.


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