“The Valentine’s killer had an obsession with killing small animals. Nikolaus Cruz has now been charged with 17 counts of murder”.

We have been screaming at the top my lungs for years that finding and prosecuting animal abusers will make communities safer for humans and pets but our society insists on ignoring this. Pit bull type dogs are horrifically abused and murdered, start with them, those unabashedly abusing and killing them and work backwards. GUARANTEED you will find sociopaths who commit many other crimes and who will likely go on to kill people.

Factually, a common denominator among inmates on death row is that they all abused or killed animals before going on to kill people. Animal abuse laws are hardly enforced, weak and not even close to being a priority in our country and as long as that continues, none of us are safe.

And to those people who don’t like or care about pit bulls, dogs or animals of any kind, animal abuse is still your problem because you or your loved ones could be next. Animal abusers/killers don’t stop at animals so perhaps now that you know this, you’ll start caring and supporting groups and individuals fighting tirelessly to end animal abuse and educate others about the direct correlation between animal abusers and human killers. But if you choose to continue ignoring these facts then you don’t have a right to act outraged and confused when this shit keeps happening.

Our society is broken and a society can be judged by the way it treats it’s animals. WAKE THE FUCK UP AMERICA!!!! STOP BLAMING DOGS AND START PROSECUTING ABUSERS!!!


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