On April 2nd the SUFP Foundaton will fully fund 11 FREE Spay/Neuter clinics nationwide in honor of Angel. April 2nd will mark two years since she left us but her legacy lives on and there is no better way to celebrate her beautiful life than by saving others.
An estimated 600 pit bull type dogs are set to be fixed on ANGEL Day and by doing so literally millions of lives will be saved. The best way to save shelter dogs is by preventing them from ending up in the shelter to begin with. Just one unaltered female and her offspring over a six year period creates 67,000 puppies. Many of which end up in the wrong hands, stray, in our shelters and dead. Spaying and neutering is a much needed and vital effort we should all be focusing on. It is an effort is what can get us off the giant hamster wheel that is rescue and it does not get the support and attention it needs.
This initiative will cost SUFP just over $38,000.00. For a small foundation like ours, that is a hefty bill so any help would be greatly appreciated. Spaying and neutering treats the problem and is a solution to ending loss of life. Please consider making a tax deductible donation at standupforpits.us and be a part of the solution.
#standupforpits #spay #neuter #america #angelspayday #angelforever #solutions #bethechange #edcuate #pitbulltypedogs
Los Angeles, Love Leo Rescue does clinics regularly year round as do many other groups. Please consider finding and supporting groups who do this in your area. They always need help.