Izzy was a adopted from a shelter and had been living in a home with other dogs and a couple for 5 years. In June of 2017 Izzy’s owners said she started showing “reactive behavior.” Their vet told them to euthanize her, so they made the appointment to do so but also reached out to rescues for help and advice. They said not one rescue responded except for @standupforpitsfoundation. After several correspondences SUFP learned Izzy had never seen a trainer, so SUFP agreed to pay for training if they agreed to not euthanize her. They conceded but said Izzy would still need to be rehomed after training. It was clear they did not want her anymore so SUFP found a rescue to take Izzy on completely called @thebarkinglotrescue in San Diego. SUFP gave them a $3000.00 grant to assist with her care, training and placement into a loving home.

Not only did Izzy get adopted but she is thriving and we got an update yesterday. Every life SUFP helps and saves is special and important but this case especially angered us. It is inconceivable that a vet would suggest death as an option at that the owners were going to do it. That kind of thinking and regard for life is another reason why shelters and rescues are overflowing. Izzy deserved the care she ended up getting and the life she’s now living and is one of the lucky ones. To think of how many Izzy’s are sitting in shelters right this minute confused & scared because they were given up on, is deeply disturbing. They will die alone in a shelter through no fault of their own and the majority of these “behavior” cases are 100% preventable and fixable.

Dogs are lives, not toys. They are not disposable when things get tough and dedication to them is not conditional. Do not adopt a dog if you are not willing to make a life long commitment. If you know someone thinking about giving up their dog due to unfortunate circumstances, offer help. Educate them and offer solutions. Lives are depending on it. We ♥️ you Izzy!  #standupforpits #responsiblepetownership


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