A couple of weeks ago we posted about 17 court case dogs who needed out of a facility that would be closing on Wednesday. Pit Siters got 6 in fosters but the other 11 were at risk of being put to sleep. The SUFP Foundation immediately sent a $5000.00 grant to cover two weeks of boarding for all of them because no dog should die simply because they have no where to go, which sadly happens daily in our shelter system. Today we got some beautiful photos and an amazing update from Pit Sisters!!! Read below!!! I would also like to thank every single one of you who donated. Your donations helped save these dogs. A lot of great people stepped up to contribute without hesitating. It was really incredible to see. Enjoy this moment of lives being saved because you all did your part. We will continue to keep you updated on these hippos. Lets all continue to network them, stay dedicated to them and help get them into the homes they all deserve. THANK YOU!!!! #standupforpits
‘Hi Rebecca-
So far we have transported 7 dogs. Here are some pictures of some of them. Will get you more pictures and also videos. Thank you so much for helping these guys. We are working on another transport to get more out. The shelter has been working with us because they know we have a plan thanks to you so no dogs have been put down.”- Jen Deane