Dogfighting is an epidemic in this country that does not get the attention or resources it deserves. People need to understand that where there is dogfighting, there is ALWAYS other crime. Illegal weapons, drugs, child abuse, assault, theft, arson, spousal abuse and the list goes on. Those who are capable of abusing animals most often times go on to commit crimes against humans. This is not just an animal issue, this is a societal issue and we all have to do our part to make communities safe for humans and pets. Also understand that there are well educated wealthy people operating and organizing dogfights. Veterinarians, law enforcement, school administrators, women and people of all ages and ethnicities are involved in dogfighting. Breeders and boarding kennels have also been used as fronts for operations.
What can you do?
BE AWARE of what is going on around you. If you see something take photos, video and REPORT IT. If nothing is done, stay diligent until it is. Dogfighting is a federal offense and some of the largest operations have been shut down because of anonymous tips from people in communities. Law enforcement cannot do this alone. Removing these cowards is up to us.
To report dogfighting in Los Angeles County call 1-877-777-2585.
Research you local Animal Cruelty Task Force in you area and program that number in your phone. If you see a dogfight in progress call 911. Take action. Lives are depending on it.
HSUS national number is 1-877-TIP-HSUS.
#standupforpits #betheirvoice #enddogfighting #reportdogfighting