SUFP donated $500 to Pibbles 4 Hope because we strongly support the work they are doing with their homeless outreach program. Treating the problem makes a much needed difference. Keep up the amazing work Pibbles 4 Hope!

#standupforpits #outreachprogram

REPOST Pibbles 4 Hope

Outreach – Ace

We got to checkup on one of our outreach clients Ace.

We can’t express enough how proud we are of his owner. When we started working with him he was living in a tiny tent out in the woods. Now his dad rents a room, over came a major medical situation and now working full time! While he is still struggling at times – when we visited him, his moped broke down on the side of the road in the pouring rain  – which is his only transportation to get to work – he still had a positive attitude.  Ace can be human selective but when he sees one of our volunteers, Ace just can’t control himself with happiness. Ace will get in her vehicle and refuse to leave. Before our volunteer left, Ace decided he needed to sing her a few tunes.

We are so proud of this owner, from where he came from and working so hard to where he is (and going). And if we can help him just a little by supplying much needed supplies and medical assistance (Ace is going to the vet soon for his annual checkup) – we are happy to do that.

Thank you all who support our organization and assist us with supplies and funds for medical assistance!

We are making a difference!


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