Midnight has been at the ACCT Philadelphia  Shelter since January and was in danger of being euthanized so this sweet soul was chosen to be one of the SUFP HOPE Campaign dogs. The brilliantly talented Mike Ruiz beautifully photographed and recorded Midnight at the shelter. We all stayed diligent in sharing him we are beyond thrilled to announce he has been adopted! From what we understand, his forever family attended Stand Up For Pits in NYC where Mike’s photo of him was auctioned off.

This is a massive victory and I want to thank every person selflessly, without hesitation networked the SUFP Hope Campaign dogs and of course to Mike Ruiz for donating his talent and time. I created this campaign as a way to highlight pit bull type dogs on death row not getting seen. Having beautiful photos, shooting videos of the dogs and imploring people to use their platform to share the dogs is why they are all alive today. So many dogs are simply unseen and unknown and providing them the visibility literally makes the difference between life and death.

The HOPE Campaign is a group effort. It takes a village to clean up the messes our species create and working together saves more lives.

Special thanks to Anne Koszalka and Maria Termini-Romano. These amazing and dedicated humans were both Pete and Midnight’s biggest supporters. They made sure they were both always taken care of and stayed proactive in getting them both adopted. Consider following @mikeruizone @anne_koszalka_pottery and

@hoyarn. Give them a quick thank you on Instagram for all they do and take a moment to enjoy the fact that Midnight is alive because you too took the time to help get him seen.



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